The Ostracod fauna of Gotland is one of the most diverse Silurian assemblages known, but with the exception of the Beyrichiidae is largely undescribed. Most specimens can be confidently assigned at the generic level, but many may be new species. In the section below the only species names used are ones that have appeared in the scientific literature. [Please excuse the lack of italics, bold or underlining of the scientific names but some reason it is not an option in this page editor]
Horsne, Halla Formation, unit b
Left: The complete geological column as it appears on the island of Gotland. The material most readily available to collectors often comes from the Visby Beds at the base of the Wenlock, but the Mulde and Slite Formations in the middle and upper Wenlock are also periodically encountered. Material from most other beds is rare due to limited coastal exposures (the most easily accessible sites at the present time).
Klintebys, Slite Beds
Horsne, Halla Formation unit b
Lau Backar, Eke Formation
Snoder, Hemse Formation
Hoburgen, Burgsvick Formation
Irevik, Visby Formation
Irevik II, Visby Formation
Nyhamn I, Lower Visby Formation
Lau Backar, Eke Formation
Irevik II, Visby Formation
Lau Backar, Eke Formation
Gothemshammar I, Halla Formation
Gothemshammar I, Halla Formation
Langars, Slite Formation
Snoder, Hemse Formation
Follingbro 7, Slite Formation
Gothemshammar I, Halla Formation
Kvarnbarget, Slite Formation unit g
Hoburgen IIa, Burgsvick Formation
Lau Backar, Eke Formation
Lau Backar, Eke Formation
Gothemshammar I, Halla Formation
Mulde I, Slite Formation
Eskelhamn, Slite Formation
Eskelhamn, Slite Formation
Kettlehamn, Slite Formation
Svarvare, Slite Formation
Irevik II, Visby Formation
Irevik II, Visby Formation
Hoburgen IIa, Burgsvick Formation
Langars, Slite Formation
Langars, Slite Formation
Klintebys, Mulde Formation
Klintebys, Mulde Formation
Irevik II, Visby Formation
Lau Backar, Eke Formation
Kvarnberget, Slite Formation
Klintebys, Mulde Formation
Hoburgen IIa, Burgsvick Formation
Klintebys, Mulde Formation
Gothemshammar, Halla Beds
Nyhamn, Lower Visby Formation
Nyhamn, Lower Visby Formation
Lau Backar, Eke Formation
Nyhamn, Lower Visby Formation
Nyhamn, Lower Visby Formation
Nyhamn, Lower Visby Formation
Nyhamn, Lower Visby Formation
Langars, Slite Formation
Gothemshammar, Halla Beds
Nyhamn, Lower Visby Formation
Lau Backar, Eke Formation
Klintebys, Slite Beds
Lau Backar, Eke Formation
Hoburgen IIa, Burgsvick Formation
Nyhamn, Lower Visby Formation
Lau Backar, Eke Formation
Nyhamn, Lower Visby Formation
Dapps, upper Mulde Formation
Langars, Slite Formation
Kettlenken, Slite Formation
Klintebys, Slite Formation
Snoder, Hemse Formation
Langars, Slite Formation
Chitinozoa, Ynge, Visby formation
Nyhamn, Lower Visby Formation
Echinoid plate, Visby Formation
Octacoral spicule Visby Formation
Gothemshammar, Halla Formation
Scolecodont Visby Formation
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